Vehicles parked in a lot

Daily Parking Reservations

Transportation Services has launched a convenient, flexible, reduced-cost daily parking program for faculty, staff, and students at select campus parking areas.

Program Details

The new parking option offers an alternative to a monthly parking permit for remote and hybrid employees by using available space in the parking areas already overallocated for permits but consistently have unused parking spaces. The program also aims to relieve strain on the gated parking decks across campus during weekday daytime hours by redistributing some of the parking at those facilities to other areas.

The program is available to all current faculty, staff, and students regardless of whether they have a current parking permit. Users must log in with their Penn State user ID and password.

A limited number of daily reservations are available for the following parking lots for $4.35 per day, payable by credit card on the reservation website:  

Anchor Destination

Complete Daily Parking Reservations Map 

Daily parking can be purchased for single or multiple days and will remain available for purchase through the day of or until parking for that day has sold out. Availability may vary based on permit holder usage, special events, and facility maintenance needs. Select dates may be unavailable, and the program may be discontinued at any time.